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In Between Days

...by David Brickman, Metroland,Volume 26 - Number 41-Oct. 9, 2003

One year after being chased from its original location, Miss Mary's Art Space continues to nourish openness and experimentalism—and to search for a place to call home.

Premier Screed Proclaimed a Success!

Did you Screed All About It? If not, you're missing out on an eclectic magazine, conceived out of a love of all things creative.

Screed, a free publication of Miss Mary's Art Space, hit the stands on March 21st, but didn't stay long. Only 250 copies of the magazine were distributed, hand-stitched with love.

The magazine was jam-packed with poetry, photography, short stories, essays, paintings...you name it. It also included a compilation CD with 22 tracks featuring local performers...an amazing mix of the talent right here in the Capitol region.

Screed was recently (4/10/03) congratulated by the Times Union Preview and The Metroland. The members of Miss Mary's are thrilled with the success of the project, but remind us that producing a FREE publication isn't free. The continued success of Screed will depend on support from those in our community who understand the value of the arts and those who love all things creative.