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Date: March 20, 2001
Poet David Baratier to Read for Miss Mary’s Benefit
Miss Mary’s Art Space, Inc. presents poet David Baratier at Steamer 10 Theatre April 7th at 8pm. Baratier has read his work at St. Mark’s Poetry Project in New York City and most recently at the Louisville Insomniacathon. He has read with Ed Sanders, C.K. Williams, Cynthia Nelson, and many other prominent poets.
Now living in Columbus, Ohio, Baratier, a long time Albany area resident, has read locally at QE2 poetry events, the N. Y. S. Museum, and the N. Y. S. Library. He is the founder and editor of Pavement Saw Press. His work has appeared in The Denver Quarterly, Red Brick Review, Poetry New York, and many other magazines and journals. His poems are anthologized in American Poetry: The Next Generation: Carnegie Mellon University Press.
Back in the Capitol Region to teach and read poetry at Siena College, Baratier’s performance, in cooperation with Ric Chesser of Steamer 10 Theatre, located at 500 Western Avenue, at the corner of Madison and Western Avenues will benefit Miss Mary’s Art Space, Inc. Tickets are $10 at the door.
“David Baratier’s performances are always exciting – always unique – totally killer,” said Dave Walsh, the show’s producer. “This show promises to be a fantastic debut production for Miss Mary’s.”
Miss Mary’s is a non-profit arts organization established to provide performance and exhibition opportunities and cooperative workspace for area artists working in various mediums and at all levels of accomplishment. Miss Mary’s is seeking a permanent home in downtown Albany.
For more information about David Baratier or Pavement Saw Press, please contact Dave Walsh at dwalsh06@nycap.rr.com.